How to cool down a cannabis growing tent that's too hot
Author: Mars Grow
Release time: 2024-04-20 13:43:03
View number: 266
Growing your own cannabis indoors is fun. One thing that many new growers have trouble with is controlling the temperature inside a cultivation tent (or room). Cannabis thrives in a specific environment with an environmental range. Controlling this environment will help you optimize indoor cultivation and maximize yield.
Cold temperatures can slow down growth, while higher temperatures can stress plants and cause various problems.
Is overheating harmful to cannabis plants?
It does. Plants sweat to help cool themselves down, just like you. When temperatures start to soar, your plants won't be able to cool themselves quickly enough and start drying out.
The temperature range you want your plants to stay in is between 20 ° C and 30 ° C (70 ° F and 85 ° F). A little below or above won't cause any major problems, but your plants will grow best within this range.
When the grow lights are turned on, the temperature will slowly rise. If this air has nowhere to go, it will get quite warm inside your weed planting tent.
Signs that your weed plants need cooling
Withered leaves:If the plant gets too hot, the water in the leaves evaporates. The water in the plant's cells helps give the leaves rigidity, and lack of water can cause them to droop. Leaf drooping can also be caused by a lack of watering, triggering the same symptoms.
Curly crisp leaf tips:If the leaves continue to dry, they will become dry and brittle. When this happens, the tips and edges of the leaves will begin to curl. This is usually a sign of a recent spike in temperature.
fox tail:As cute as it sounds, this is not a good phenomenon affecting weed plants. Foxtail refers to new shoots that grow from the top of existing mature buds. More buds may sound like a big problem, but in reality, it's not ideal. Your plant is under pressure and trying to increase the chances of pollination. You want your plant to focus its energy on existing buds rather than producing more flowers. Since these new buds are not yet mature, they reduce the average potency of your harvest.
Resolve high temperatures and cool weed growth tents
You need to find a way to lower the temperature inside the planting tent. The easiest way is to use an internal connection fan. This internal connection fan acts like an air conditioner for your planting tent. It works by draining hot air from inside the planting tent and replacing it with cold air from outside the planting tent.
If you are growing indoors, simply use one of the internal connection fans to exhaust hot air and help cool the plants. Using a duct connected to the fan, you can direct the drain trend to a different room or outside window. When the fan is running, it creates a negative pressure that draws fresh air into the planting tent through open vents or ducts.
If the ambient air around your planting tent is also warm, then you may encounter problems. In this case, you need to arrange air ducts from the planting tent to a cooler air source.
The biggest mistake you can make is to set the incoming and outgoing trends in the same room. This is no good because you end up recycling the same air you are trying to remove.
Installing swing fans inside a planting tent is very helpful for two reasons. First, they help eliminate any "hot spots" inside the planting tent by circulating the air. Second, the breeze blowing through your plants can make them stronger. Plants that gently dance in the breeze will grow stronger stems and branches due to the constant movement of the air.
LED plant light
Another type of light that growers use inside weed growing tents is LED. LED grow lights are becoming more common and popular in cannabis growing spaces. Energy costs can be saved due to their lower power requirements and lower operating temperatures.
Full-spectrum lamps emit white light because in addition to blue and red light, they also have green, yellow, and ultraviolet light. These full-spectrum lamps usually work better for growing marijuana, but are slightly more expensive.
To learn more about how chromatography affects cannabis, you can read more here.
The ambient temperature outside the weed growing tent
If it is not obvious, the room you place and the indoor weed planting tent will have an impact on the temperature inside the car.
When the lights are turned off, the temperature inside the planting tent will be the same as in the space where the planting tent is placed.
If you grow auto-flowering hemp, you can turn on the lights 24 hours a day. This will make the air inside the grow tent slightly warmer than the ambient air outside. If your space bucket or grow tent needs to be placed in a freezer, then it can work. Growth temperatures below 18 ° C 64 ° F may cause growth to slow down. Turning on the lights throughout the day will result in higher energy costs and a shorter "light span" of the lights.
Another factor to consider is where your tent gets its fresh air from. If you use an in-line fan and the output is located outside the tent, you will slowly raise the ambient air temperature outside the planting tent. In some cases, this may not be a problem, but if the planting tent is already in a warm room, it may raise the temperature a few degrees when the lights are turned on.
How to Reduce the Temperature in a Weed Planting Tent
Increase ventilation
The in-line fan is the best weapon to keep the temperature inside the weed growing tent from rising. The internal connection fan is designed to circulate all the air inside every minute, thus cooling the planting tent. With the cool fresh air coming in and the warm air going out, your marijuana will have a great time.
Internal connection fans are rated CFM, which stands for cubic feet per minute. These efficiency ratings should be displayed when reading specifications for internal connection fans for planting tents. Keep in mind that many manufacturers will embellish their numbers to best-case values.
The size and power of the fan you use depends on the total volume of the tent. Measure the width, length and height (in feet) of the planting tent. Use this formula to calculate the volume of the tent.
Width x length x height = total volume
When you get the answer to this equation, you can compare it to the CFM rating of the internal connection fan. You need to choose a fan with a power rating slightly higher than the room volume.
First of all, you don't want the fan to run at full power continuously, which will wear out the motor. If you decide to add a carbon filter to the ventilation system, it will reduce the efficiency of the fan, making it more difficult to circulate the air.
Compared to a good ventilation system, the following recommendations will not have the greatest impact, but they may come in handy in certain situations.
Reduce growth lamp power
More light usually means bigger buds, but it also means more excess heat. If you are growing in a tight space, using a light source of 1000 + watts may be a bit over the top. Adding very powerful lights, especially HID type ones, will greatly increase the temperature of the growth chamber. Hemp plants need at least about 300 watts of light power to survive. Doubling the power will breed a larger plant, but will release more heat. If you are experiencing problems with lights that double the temperature of the growing space, consider replacing it with a lower power light or LED. |
Change the plant growth light schedule
If you grow your own flowers, you may want to keep the grow lights on 24 hours a day. If your ventilation can control the temperature, then this is absolutely fine.
The problem is that in some cases, it can raise the temperature of the tent to dangerous levels. If this is the case, then you may need to adjust the light schedule to allow the marijuana to "turn off the lights" for a few hours and allow the tent time to cool down.
Organize the equipment in the tent
Everything you put into a grow tent takes up space and reduces the amount of air inside the tent. The less space there is in the tent, the faster the temperature will rise. Any equipment that runs on electricity may also release heat and increase the temperature of an already warm tent. Besides the grow lights, internal connection fans and ballasts are the biggest sources of extra heat inside the tent.
Removing thermal equipment from your planting tent won't have the greatest impact, but it will help maintain lower temperatures and make working within your planting space easier.
Gradually cool down your growth
Large temperature fluctuations can cause your plants to collapse and cause further shock.
Now you have a cool planting tent
This guide should give you all the information you need to cool your planting tents. Using an internal connection fan is the best device to lower the temperature of your planting tents. Once ventilation is mastered, the planting tents can be kept at different temperatures. This way you can grow vegetables and flowers at the same time. Each tent can be cooled or heated by adjusting the internal connection fan.